クラス報告&Great Quote&講師近況2021年7月16日読了時間: 1分Give When you give, you're in much greater control. But when you receive something, you're vulnerable. 与える時は支配権を握るが、何かを受け取る時はもろく傷つきやすい。
クラス報告&Great Quote&講師近況2021年7月16日読了時間: 1分Keep growingOur children are richer when we let them know that we, even as adults, want to grow, too, and we hope to keep growing all our lives....
クラス報告&Great Quote&講師近況2021年7月4日読了時間: 1分Gusty windWhen the gusty winds blow and shake our lives, if we know that people care about us, we may bend with the wind, but we won't break....
クラス報告&Great Quote&講師近況2021年7月4日読了時間: 1分RipeA berry ripens in its own good time, and so does a child's readiness. Just as the one needs water and sunlight, the other needs the...
クラス報告&Great Quote&講師近況2021年7月4日読了時間: 1分Q&AI think that just airing questions and answers helps people to feel that they're not alone with their jealousies, their curiosities, ...
クラス報告&Great Quote&講師近況2021年6月27日読了時間: 1分Two peopleIt's very dramatic when two people came together to work something out. What is really exciting to me is to see people with different...
クラス報告&Great Quote&講師近況2021年6月27日読了時間: 1分MistakeMaking mistakes is a natural part of being human and a natural part of the way to learn. 間違いをすることは、人間であること、学びの方法として、自然な事です。
クラス報告&Great Quote&講師近況2021年6月27日読了時間: 1分 GiftWhat a gift we all give when we encourage our loved ones to talk about what makes them happy, jealous, angry, shy, afraid, or proud....
クラス報告&Great Quote&講師近況2021年6月27日読了時間: 1分WishWhat makes the difference between wishing and realizing our wishes? Lots of things, and it may take months or years for a wish to come...
クラス報告&Great Quote&講師近況2021年6月27日読了時間: 1分longingsOne of the deepest longings a person can have is to feel needed and essential. 人が深く切望できるものの一つは、必要、とても大切と感じることだ
クラス報告&Great Quote&講師近況2021年6月17日読了時間: 1分ArchaeologistI must be an emotional archaeologist because I keep looking for the roots of things, particularly the roots of behavior and why I feel...
クラス報告&Great Quote&講師近況2021年6月17日読了時間: 1分NeighborWhat a privilege to be able to look for the good in our neighbor! 隣人の良い所を探すことが出来る、なんて特権でしょう!
クラス報告&Great Quote&講師近況2021年6月17日読了時間: 1分ParentBeing a parent is a complex thing. It involves trying to feel what our children are feeling and trying to know just how much to do to...
クラス報告&Great Quote&講師近況2021年6月17日読了時間: 1分GoodnessTry your best to make goodness attractive. That's one of the toughest assignments you'll ever be given. 良い所を魅力的にする努力をしなさい。それはあなたに与えられた最も難...
クラス報告&Great Quote&講師近況2021年6月17日読了時間: 1分ListeningListening, as far as I'm concerned, is certainly a prerequisite of love. One of the most essential ways of saying, "I love you," is being...
クラス報告&Great Quote&講師近況2021年6月7日読了時間: 1分Q&AIn times of stress, the best thing we can do for each other is to listen with our ears and our hearts and to be assured that our...
クラス報告&Great Quote&講師近況2021年6月7日読了時間: 1分It's OK.I remember after my grandfather's death, seeing Dad in the hall with tears streaming down his face. I don't think I had ever seen him cry...
クラス報告&Great Quote&講師近況2021年6月7日読了時間: 1分UniquenessFinding ways to harmonize our uniqueness with the uniqueness of others can be the most fun - and the most rewarding - of all....
クラス報告&Great Quote&講師近況2021年6月7日読了時間: 1分We care you deeply.No matter what the situation, if we can help people talk about their concerns and their feelings (and really listen to what they tell...
クラス報告&Great Quote&講師近況2021年5月31日読了時間: 1分BeginningOften when you think you're the end of something, you're at the beginning of something else. あなたが、もうおしまいだ、と思う時はたいてい、あなたは他の事の始まりにいるのです。